


The Western Maryland Workforce understands the challenges business leaders face every day. Our Business Services Consultant can provide workforce solutions and comprehensive services customized to meet your unique needs.

The Western Maryland Workforce can be your human resources partner, helping you recruit, screen and hire the talent you need to succeed.

We can also offset costs of training new employees who may lack the skills or experience for the job, but who would otherwise be an ideal candidate, as well as help you enhance the skills of your current employees.

Job Postings
The Western Maryland Workforce invites a large pool of candidates to a customized event. Candidates can be pre-screened or an employer can choose to meet a wide variety of talent for potential hiring. You can post jobs on the Maryland Workforce Exchange.

Hiring Events
The Business Services Consultant invites a large pool of candidates to a customized event. Candidates can be pre-screened or an employer can choose to meet a wide variety of talent for potential hiring. The event can be in-person or a virtual on-line event can be developed.

Skills Assessment
The Business Services Consultant administers assessments to further screen the talent pool. The assessment can be designed by the employer or the employer can choose from several screening tools available through us. Assessments range from general reading skills to industry specific knowledge standards.

Job Fairs
The Western Maryland Workforce conducts job fairs to offer job seekers a chance to apply for open positions while offering employers an opportunity to fill vacancies, network, and promote their product.

Education & Information
The Western Maryland Workforce conducts information workshops to help employers grow their business, find resources, or network to find supply chain partnerships. Workshops may be in the form of traditional training or themed networking functions designed to discuss key industry issues.

If you would like information to be published in our newsletter or the Western Maryland Workforce’s Facebook page, please contact: [email protected].